Thursday, October 11, 2007

Shakespeare Renaissance Project

During the next couple weeks we will be reading a Shakespeare play together. This post is to outline the tasks which are expected of you to receive credit for this project.

1. We will be reading the play together. Your participation is expected.

2. You should complete a post that is a response to the historical information I have posted about the Renaissance. This can be as simple as you discussing what stuck out to you the most and why.

3. You will complete four separate posts about the play (Act I, Act II, Act III, and Acts IV and V). These posts should be 3-4 paragraphs in length, include a very brief summary of what we read, as well as your reactions. You should incorporate direct textual evidence into these posts.

Your grade will be calculated with the following formula:
Participation = 50%

Web Posts = 10% each (x5)

Monday, October 01, 2007

Exemplar Research Papers

The following links are to exemplar research papers. None of these are perfect, but they all can show you something I am looking for. Some of these writers did an excellent job citing their sources, while others did well at including their own voice with their research. You will find small errors in these papers, but overall they can help you get an idea of what yours should look like when you are through.

Solar Energy

The Reef Tank

Belly Dance

Coaching Young People

Forensic Entomology

Game Design
