Thursday, July 31, 2008

End-Of-Course Test Practice

Fifteen percent of your grade for Lit 9 or 11 is the End-of-course test administered (you guessed it) at the end of the course. I feel it is very important that the coursework you complete with me should reflect the material on the test, but I also feel as though it is equally important that you have exposure to the test itself. Over the course of the quarter, you will see that your pacing guide includes EOCT practice assignments (four in all). You should complete these according to the dates on your pacing guide. Doing all four at once makes little sense, and it will affect your grade.

Your grade on these four assignments will be calculated as follows:

1) You should access the USA Test Prep website. The sign on is classiccity and then ask me for the password. Click "Agree".

2) Click on the EOCT tab, and choose either 9th Grade Literature and Composition or American Literature and Composition. Choose the medium test.

3) Before starting the test, please make sure your information is filled in correctly. This is how I will know whose work I am viewing. You should enter your email to get your results, as well as my email in the "other email" box. . If I do not get your results in my email, I cannot give you a grade.

4) Take the test carefully. Do your best, and do not worry if there are items you do not know the answer to.

5) When you are through, you should read your report from USA Test Prep. In what areas did you do well? In which ones did you have trouble? Are there terms with which you are unclear. You should write a post on your blog (2-3 paragraphs) that explains these issues.

6) There will be four separate class discussions / practice sessions that you should attend and be a participant to receive full credit.

Grading Rubric:

90 - 100: Student took his or her time on the test (i can see how long you spent), wrote blog post that was complete and useful, and participated well during the discussion.

80 - 89: Student took his or her time on the test, wrote a blog post that was mostly complete and useful, and participated in the discussion.

70 - 79: Student took his or her time on the test, but probably could have made a better effort, wrote a minimal blog post, and may have participated in the discussion.

0 - 69: Student may have rushed through the test, written an incomplete blog post, and may have missed the discussion.