Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lit 12 Writing Exercises

Before looking at the actual writing assignments, lets begin by identifying the Georgia Performance Standards they will address as well as the process we will use in this class.

The Standards:

ELA12W1 The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure.

ELA12W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres.

ELA12W3 The student uses research and technology to support writing.

ELA12W4 The student practices both timed and process writing and, when applicable, uses the writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing.

As you compose your rough drafts, you should always keep these standards in mind. They will also be instrumental in our editing process.
The Writing Process:

You will receive three grades for each of the four writing assignments you will complete:
  1. Rough Draft -- have at least two pages of double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point text by the day it is due for editing.
  2. Editing -- You will edit with one of your peers. This is a timed exercise, and it should be easy to earn a high score on this portion of your writing process.
  3. Final Draft -- This will be my evaluation of your writing. You may complete more drafts to earn a higher score if you choose. Any essay scoring below an 80 will need to be revised.
Your Writing Assignments:

Writing One -- The Hero Cycle
This piece of writing, an original hero story, will be related to the work you have done in unit one and your study of Beowulf. Before you start writing, I would like you to be familiar with something called the Hero Cycle: View the Hero Cycle slide show here.

After viewing the slide show, you will begin constructing your own story with a new hero you create. Since your hero should have many of the same experiences as those in the Hero Cycle, it will be very helpful to map out these steps before you start writing. A simple list of the steps and how your hero experiences them would be fine.

Once you finish your list, you should use it as an outline for composing your story. When your draft is finished, put it in my drop box.


Delencia said...


james said...

i finished it

cornelius said...


Delencia said...

I finished my final draft

james said...

i posted it on my blog

cornelius said...

aglo saxon dne

charleston said...

im finish with anglo saxon